An Engineered Concrete Case Study

Simply A Better Way To Build

Homeowners can Reduce the Cost of their New Home

Homes built of Fox Blocks High Performance Walls typically include 40% reduction in size of HVAC unit required, and cost less than 50% monthly to heat and cool.

Case Study:

1. A Fox Block home may cost 0 to 5% more initially, depending on the design.

Take worst case, 5%, on a $200,000 home = $10,000.

At 3% interest, 30 year mortgage payment increases $70/month.

Fox Block High Performance Wallsystems reduce heating/cooling costs 40 to 70%.

If conventional home heating/cooling costs $215.00/month, using worst case 40%, you will save $86.00/month in heating and cooling costs.

+ $86.00 energy savings

– $70.00 mortgage increase

+ $16.00/month in your pocket

plus a whole lot of comfort, safety, peace of mind and quietness.  Energy savings will increase as the price of oil increases.

Engineered Concrete, Inc. and Simply Better Construction, Inc. stand ready, willing and able to work with you and your team to build a better home for less money.

Ready to Get Started?

Please get in touch with us to discuss any questions and how we might be of assistance in your project.

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